
Friday, September 9, 2011


So I have basically been a crafting maniac recently. Some of these crafts were made while my mom was here like a month ago so don't get too concerned for me yet. I can't even post everything that I have made because some of them are presents for people that I haven't given to them yet. It seems like everyone I know and their mother is pregnant or having a baby so most of these are baby things that I have made. I will post the links to the tutorials for some of the crafts that I made. Here is the list:

Pom Bunny Figurine: (My sister in law Elizabeth actually made this one)

Car Seat Cover:(I just rounded the corners by tracing a bowl; I didn't round it as much as this tutorial says to)

Burp cloths: Just a cloth diaper with a strip of fabric down the middle lined with ric-rac

Hooter Hider

Fabric Covered "P" letter: Just got a cardboard P glued some batting on top then winged it the rest of the way with fabric

Paper Balls in vase: My sister in law Elizabeth showed me how to make these too

Glitter Peeps: Thought of it myself

Throw Pillows: Favorite fabric/purse designer Orla Kiely

Wipey Case Cover: Kinda winged it though there are a lot of tutorials you can find on the web

Christmas Tree Skirt: Amy Butler Free Pattern (not quite finished yet; still need to put giant buttons on it)

Baby Sling: Pattern from local craft store

Changing Pad: Pattern from Amy Butler baby book "Little Stiches for Little Ones"

Charm: I made this with my wedding announcement and the help of Garrett's mom. You can make this into a necklace or a key chain

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